Orginal Article

Critique, Ethics, and the Apparatus of Experience: A Foucauldian Framework

  • Timothy O’Leary
  • Department of Philosophy, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China

Published date: 15 Mar 2017


2017 Higher Education Press and Brill


The paper explores examples of contemporary experience in order to demonstrate the moralisation of new areas of behaviour (especially in relation to environmental issues). It sketches a Foucauldian framework for understanding the historical transformation of experience, in terms of the “apparatus of experience.” On that basis, it presents a novel account of critique, in which critique is seen as the potentially transformational, experiential practice of re-experiencing the contemporary apparatuses of experience. In other words, critique is “experience squared.” It is this re-experiencing of our everyday experience that permits us, to a certain extent, to “get over ourselves” and thus to reflect critically on the processes of moralisation and de-moralisation in which we participate.

Cite this article

Timothy O’Leary . Critique, Ethics, and the Apparatus of Experience: A Foucauldian Framework[J]. Frontiers of Philosophy in China, 2017 , 12(1) : 120 -136 . DOI: 10.3868/s030-006-017-0009-4

