Frontiers of Philosophy in China >
On Toleration, Charity, and Epistemic Fallibilism
Published date: 15 Dec 2016
In this paper I examine some presuppositions of toleration and pluralism and explore two models, viz., a deontological and a consequentialist model, respectively, which could support the view that rational agents should act in a tolerant way. Against the background which is offered by the first model, I give two arguments in favor of the view that people are better off and more rational if they act in a tolerant way. The first argument draws upon a principle of charity which is usually applied in philosophy of mind and philosophy of language, but which could, equally well, work with regard to foundational issues in ethics and philosophy of action. The second argument is built upon the epistemic principle of fallibilism and it is meant to show that acting in a tolerant way is the rational thing to do from this perspective.
Mircea Dumitru . On Toleration, Charity, and Epistemic Fallibilism[J]. Frontiers of Philosophy in China, 2016 , 11(4) : 671 -679 . DOI: 10.3868/s030-005-016-0045-0
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