Hu Shi’s Study of Chinese Medieval Intellectual History
Lou Yulie
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Department of Philosophy, Peking University, Beijing 100871, PRC
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05 Mar 2006
Issue Date
05 Mar 2006
Hu Shi frequently gave lectures on the history of Chinese philosophy, especially the history of ancient Chinese philosophy, from the year 1919 to 1937. A large number of papers and dissertations published during this period are related to his research on this topic. In his opinion, there are three characteristics of the history of ancient Chinese philosophy: religionalization of thought, Indianization of philosophy, and conflict between Chinese thought and Indian thought. In this paper, I explore Hu Shi s deep insight into the religionalization of Confucianism in Han dynasty and into the thought of Taoism in the medieval times.
Lou Yulie.
Hu Shi’s Study of Chinese Medieval Intellectual History. Front. Philos. China, 2006, 1(1): 66‒78
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