Various techniques for creating a comfortable thermal environment and saving energy have been proposed and employed in residential buildings in many countries, including Japan. For these techniques to be introduced, existing houses should be renovated. Among the techniques available, installation of additional inner windows is effective in creating a comfortable and energy-efficient living environment. In the present research, the effect of additional inner windows on the thermal environment and energy saving was investigated by measuring indoor windows on the thermal environment and energy saving was investigated by measuring indoor concrete building. Air temperatures, the humidity, the global solar radiation on horizontal and vertical surfaces, radiant temperatures, and the electricity consumption of air-conditioners were measured. A comparison of these values before and after the installation of inner windows showed that the thermal environment and energy saving had improved. Results obtained from a thermal model agreed well with measured results by changing the value of solar transmittance and heat transmission coefficient of the glazing following renovation. Furthermore, in a questionnaire survey conducted in summer, more than half of the occupants answered ‘‘comfortable’’ to a question on the overall thermal comfort.
Based on a large number of researches and engineering practices both domestic and overseas, it is shown that the building parameters to be determined during scheme phase can exert a great effect on the building energy consumption. In this paper, through a combination of the popular design method of building parameterization at present and the design goal of energy saving during the scheme phase, the author carries out researches on the design methods and tool development which are applicable to parameterization of building energy saving in this stage. In connection with the characteristics of both modeling process of parameterization and energy saving design, and by means of steady calculation as well as simulation, this paper establishes an simplified model to calculate the overall energy consumption of air-conditioning, heating, lighting and equipments, and ultimately gives suggestions on design of scheme for energy saving by optimization with the genetic algorithm (GA). On the basis of the model, a software platform is developed by computer language QT and openGL interface and is oriented to the design users and sets up the MMI (human–computer interaction) software interface for parameterization of building energy saving, which achieves automatic modeling of parameterization and promotes research on practical design cases.
This work aimed to find the best possible solution for transparent fa?ades. The evaluation was formulated to assure the highest user comfort criteria corresponding to energy efficiency—two criterion optimisation. The analyses were based on BESTEST, south-oriented zone geometry. Computer model was designed using Finite Control Volume Techniques with assumptions for applied materials and specified boundary conditions, plus reference year for energy calculation (WYEC2). The natural ventilation fa?ade system was designed to determine airflow network inside thefa?ade. The adjustable size of openings(inlets and outlets)was selected at the level of 80% for the cold season and totally closed during the hot season. Environmental parameters for thermal comfort evaluation were: zone resultant temperature and solar radiation in zone space. Energy efficiency was assessed based on heat flux between the zone with controlled temperature and external environment. Results showed that well selected design of buffer zone section could improve energy efficiency of adjacent zones for both winter and summer periods. The most profitable Double Skin fa?ade solutionis DGC (double glazing with lowe coating) combined with single glazing with internal blinds (SGB) or coloured glazing.
Acoustics is an important factor in mosque prayer halls that had not been given extensive concern during the architectural design stages. Eventually, the importance of speech intellig- ibility became more important, given the integration of other activities into the prayer halls, such as the holy Quran recitation, speeches, and lectures. Early attempts have been made to control the propagation of sound and to maintain good acoustic quality within the prayer spaces. Architects during the conceptual design stage had barely paid attention to the design issues that affect the acoustic environment inside the prayer zones, which is either due to lack of time during the project development or, in most cases, a lack of simple design guidelines to overcome any drastic acoustical defects arising from the incorrect design, shape, or material selection. The basic guidelines for designers to select the appropriate shape, geometry, size, and finishing materials are an essential design tool. This work examines the three common design topologies of mosques, which differ in size, shape, and finishing materials. In this study, a geometric and material parametric analysis was conducted based on the shape, surface area, volume, and finishing materials of each of the three designs. For the geometric acoustics, a computer model employing the ray tracing theory was employed to investigate the three configurations. Different acoustic treatments were tested relative to the geometric disposition of each design. Finally, basic recommendations and design guidelines were presented.
Wood frame walls typically need a vapour barrier at the warm side to avoid interstitial condensation due to vapour diffusion and air leakages from the interior. A more vapour open material than the traditional vapour barriers, here called vapour retarder, could allow condensed moisture, built-in-moisture or moisture from minor leakages to dry to the interior in addition to the outward drying. The application of permeable vapour retarders in wood frame walls have been investigated in this study by the use of a hygrothermal simulation tool. A traditional wood frame wall usually has good drying possibilities to the exterior. If a vapour etarder should have an effect on the total drying, it must not be too vapour tight. The purpose of this study was to find some threshold value for the maximum vapour resistance of a vapour retarder—when arequirementisthatitshouldhavearelativelylargeeffectofthetotaldrying of the wall. The increased risk for condensation as the vapour resistance decreases has however not been investigated in this study. In general it was found that permeable vapour barriers have relatively little effect on the total drying of ordinary wood frame walls in a Nordic climate.
Open public spaces provide venues for cultural, recreational events and promote informal social contact between citizens. Successful outdoor spaces promote comfort and invite people to stay outdoors. Provision of thermal comfort outdoors present a challenge, as an extended range of environmental conditions must be dealt with. The present study examines whether climatic characteristics in Dublin facilitate exercising long-term outdoor activities during summer, and investigates the extent to which urban planning and the resulting urban morphology of the built environment influences microclimates created, from the viewpoint of wind environment. Microclimates at Grand Canal Square have been simulated by ENVI-met. Wind velocity has been expressed in relation to that of the ‘‘background’’ climate in order to verify if the site has a wind protecting character or to the contrary, it enhances airflow. The results show for the dominant wind directions (W, SW, S) that 60% higher wind velocity than at Dublin Airport can occur around buildingcornersandatrestrictedflowsections—preventing any kind of long-term outdoor activity during a ‘‘typical’’ day. S and SW winds cause 15%-20% acceleration at the W waterfront area. Windy urban environment can call forth a limited frequentation of urban space.
The design of all spatial scales in a manufactured environment is part of the architectural skills and knowledge. Therefore, an architectural design should be drafted to reduce the vulner- ability of humans and buildings against unexpected events, such as terrorist attacks and bombardments. Human casualties and equipment destruction inside the buildings could be prevented by designing a suitable architectural space. This study addresses the absence of a codified and detailed criterion to evaluate architectural spaces and their design. Hence, all proposed indices for architectural spaces have been extracted using the ideas of experts in the field of architecture and explosives.
Questionnaires were presented to 25 experts to weigh the effective indices using the analytic hierarchy process method. The human-oriented (ergonomic) characteristics of the building space is found to be the most important factor in facilitating crisis management, followed by the location of critical spaces.
This paper presents the framework and results of analysis of the building materials used in traditional Chinese copper halls. The analysis of the Kunming copper hall (KCH) is presented as a typical example. First, the historical building structure of the KCH is investigated. Results of X-ray fluorescence (XRF) spectrometry are presented and analyzed according to the units of each building component. The results indicate that the different components in the same building were cast out of different alloys such as bronze, brass, and red copper. Furthermore, the XRF results are loaded into the geographic information system (GIS) to examine the relations between the building components and their materials. The GIS analysis indicates that the different alloys were deliberately chosen according to the function of each piece in the structure. Finally, the reason and significance of this phenomenon is discussed from the perspective of architectural history and the history of science and technology.
Historic city cores in many countries either fell into neglect or suffered from harmful developments. Due to a variety of reasons, conservation projects failed to preserve socio– cultural assets of historic environments. One of these reasons is that experts who involve in the development of historical context completely disregard the communities in such historic areas or their inhabitants. This paper looks into residents’ preferences on infill design projects as part of urban development in historical contexts. It aims to investigate preference ratings of those residents who live in urban historical context in terms of the quality of new infill design and its relationship to the historical surroundings. This research attempts to evaluate the best design strategies from the point view of the residents as well as the effects of cognitive properties on their preferences. Methodologically, a case study approach was adopted with 204 residents as participants in this survey. The contributive elements that are essential to the quality of fitness are identified through quantitative analysis. The findings of this research indicate that the most preferred design strategies are “Literal Replication” and “Invention within Style” from the perspective of the residents, who prefer, to a greater degree, new buildings in historical context replicating something from their surroundings. These findings are useful to experts and major organisations to conduct successful infill development, with consideration of the perceptions of the residents on the changes in their historical context.
With architectural firms, owners are often managers whose characteristics may influence the firm structure. This study investigated the relationships between ownership characteristics, organizational structure, and performance of architectural firms. Utilizing a sample of architectural firms from Nigeria, a questionnaire survey of 92 architectural firms was carried out. Data were analyzed using multiple analysis of variance (MANOVA) and regression analyses. A generally low level of specialization of duties was observed even though professional service firms were defined as highly specialized firms. For most of the firms, level of formalization was moderate or high, while level of centralization was mostly low. Results revealed a direct significant relationship between legal ownership form and formalization dimension of structure. In addition, the centralization dimension of structure influenced firm performance. However, no direct relationship between ownership characteristics and performance was noted, although different fits of ownership characteristics and structural variables were observed. The results suggest that principals of architectural firms should match their characteristics with the firm structure to enhance performance in relation to profit.
Mega-event flagship (MEF) is a dual instrument for staging a mega-event and catalyzing regional urban renewal. Despite its unfailing popularity and controversial nature, many initiators seem to equate MEF development with signature architecture, resulting in a persistent issue of underuse among MEFs in the post-event era. Although research findings indicate that the early stages hold the key to the future of MEFs, insufficient research on this crucial matter has been done to provide useful analyses as to how to achieve this. To rectify this, this paper presents a case study of China Pavilion (CP) as the most spotlighted MEF initiated by Expo 2010 Shanghai China. Through participant observation, archival records, and documentation, the case of CP was extensively explored to learn how the client organization has addressed the issues of form, function, and future positioning at the early stages. By linking the pre-Expo conceptualization with its post-Expo performance, the case brings a renewed attention to the early stages of MEF development. Although it is a single-case study, this research yields results that indicate the possibility of having beneficial spillover impact on broader-scale urban renewal by balancing an MEF’s dual mandate.