Based on the commonly used indicators for speech intelligibility,this work acoustically evaluates the two largest auditoria in the Faculty of Engineering, Helwan University, Cairo, Egypt, using experimental and digital simulation techniques.Design treatments were also suggested to improve the acoustic performance of the auditoria, where the impact of these treatments was checked using the simulation as well.The models that were analysed using the CATT software were first validated utilizing the results of the field work in the unoccupied rooms. The results showed that the acoustic quality of the two auditoria are far from the optimal conditions due to their improper acoustic characteristics and the high noise levels as well. The results of improvement proposals showed that altering the ceiling shape and adding efficient absorptive materials to the rear surfaces successfully reduced the excessive reverberation time to the optimal values, increased the early reflections and eliminated the shadow zones.Inaddition,decreasing the noise levels by 20 dB due to improving the window insulation noticeably improved the speech intelligibility at all receivers.
In the present study, improving acoustical characteristics of a Gothic cathedral (Myeong-dong Cathedral, which is the first built Western Gothic-style architecture in Korea) using simple public address system were investigated. Acoustical measurements were conducted at 11 selected points inside the cathedral and seven acoustical parameters were calculated: sound pressure level (SPL): 64.6 dBA (the measurement value with regard to the omni-directional speaker sound source);74.5 dBA (the measurement value with regard to the public address speaker sound source), early decay time (EDT):4.04 s; 3.76 s, reverberation time (RT60): 3.58 s; 3.89 s, clarity (C80): -6.2 dB;-2.8 dB, definition (D50): 18%; 29%, initial time delay gap (ITDG): 47 ms; 23 ms, and rapid speech transmission index (RASTI): 32%;42%. Parameters showed that the acoustical characteristics of a typical Gothic cathedral include rich reverberation and diffusive sound fields. Meanwhile,there was improved speech intelligibility when using simple public address system. Based on subjective evaluation, there was overall satisfaction with voice and music recognition and the highest satisfaction with clarity with respect to voice recognition and with reverberation with respect to music recognition. This is a good solution of optimized acoustic environment through harmony between natural reverberation and reinforced clarity using simple public address system.
Given the ability of building information models (BIM) to serve as a multidisciplinary data repository, this study attempts to explore and exploit the sustainability value of BIM in delivering buildings that require less energy for operations, emit less carbon dioxide, and provide conducive living environments for occupants. This objective was attained by a critical and extensive literature review that covers the following: (1) building energy consumption, (2) building energy performance and analysis, and (3) BIM and energy assessment. Literature cited in this paper shows that linking an energyan alysis tool with a BIM model has helped project design teams to predict and create optimized energy consumption by conducting building energy performance analysis utilizing key performance indicators on average thermal transmitters, resulting heat demand, lighting power, solar heat gains, and ventilation heat losses. An in-depthan alysis was conducted on acompleted BIM integrated construction project utilizing the Arboleda Project in the Dominican Republic to validate the aforementioned findings. Results show that the BIM-based energy analysis helped the design team attain the world's first positive energy building. This study concludes that linking an energy analysis tool with a BIM model helps to expedite the energy analysis process, provide more detailed and accurate results, and deliverenergy-efficient buildings. This study further recommends that the adoption of level 2 BIM and BIM integration in energy optimization analysis must be demanded by building regulatory agencies for all projects regardless of procurement method(i.e., government funded or otherwise) orsize.
Two types of airconditioning (AC) systems generally exist, namely, centralized and decen-tralized AC systems. This study focuses on three actual engineering projects of residential communities where centralized AC systems are adopted.The applicability of centralized AC systems in residential buildings is discussed and analyzed. In addition, the key elements that lead to different building energy consumptions and system efficiencies between centralized and decentralized AC systems in residential buildings are investigated. This study shows that in residential buildings, at the point where the centralized feature of the system meets the decentralized featureofusers’ load, the problems of high energy consumption and low energy efficiency could easily occur.
This paper presents a method for the automatic generation of a spatial architectural layout from a user-specified architectural program. The proposed approach binds a multi-agent topology finding system and an evolutionary optimization process. The former generates topology satisfied layouts for further optimization, while the latter focuses on refining the layouts to achieve predefined architectural criteria.The topology finding process narrows the search space and increases the performance in subsequent optimization. Results imply that the spatial layout modeling and themulti-floor topology are handled.
Research from multiple domains has provided insights into how neighborhood design can be improved to have a more favorable effect on physical activity,a concept known as walkability. The relevant research findings/hypotheses have been integrated into a Walkability Framework, which organizes the design elements into nine walkability categories. The purpose of this study was to test whether this conceptual framework can be used as a model to measure the interactions between the built environment and physical activity. We explored correlations between the walkability categories and physical activity reported through a survey of residents of Tucson, Arizona (n=486). The results include significant correlations between the walkability categories and physical activity as well as between the walkability categories and the two motivations for walking (recreation and transportation). To our knowledge, this is the first study that reports links between walkability and walking for recreation. Additionally, the use of the Walkability Framework allowed us to identify the walkability categories most strongly correlated with the two motivations for walking. The results of this study support the use of the Walkability Framework as a model to measure the built environment in relation to its ability to promote physical activity.
Housing development has become one of the main strategies to alleviateimpoverished communities in developing countries. In the past, policies and programs focused on either economic or social aspects, and numerous imported solutions had failed to produce satisfactory results. At present, holistic approaches integrating all dimensions of human activity and environmental impact are gaining recognition as suitable alternatives for various experiences in developing nations. However, these approaches do not properly consider the local context, which is different for each case, thereby leading to inadequate models and unsuccessful implementations. This paper presents a context-driven and integrated approach for rural areas in developing nations for one of the most basic humanend eavors, i.e., constructing a house. The self-building process utilized in constructing houses is a major strategy to help communities overcome poverty .Such a house must be capable of accommodating economic activities; must be durable yet flexible in layout and size; and must offer all basic services, including water, sanitation, and energy. Consequently, the Inclusive Housing Program is developed and employed in Oé-Cusse, a remote region of East Timor, as an integral part of the Regional Plan.
This paper presents an overview of the functional dimensioning (FD) concept applied to the construction sector. FD addresses the issue of tolerance; construct ioninvolves several trades working together while each trade has its own construction tolerances. To investigate this problem, three case studies are investigated. The first one describes a classic case of a window in a bay and the way constructors solved the resulting tolerance problems. The second case study describes the notion of chain dimension. The last case study presents the notion of wedge as a solution to solve problems related to tolerance gap accumulation. This paper is of interest to the scientific community that is working to industrialize the construction sector and also to architects (in the design), construction managers (onsite), and manufacturers (construction trades).
This paper aims to investigate the changes in the virtual perception on the built heritage at the traditional core settlement of Kumbakonam Town at Tamilnadu and to analyze their implica-tions. Specifically, the major objectives of the study are (1) to identify the architectural elements that manifest the built heritage of Kumbakonam Townand (2) to assess the contributions of these elements to the changes in the visual perception of the town. To achieve these objectives, this study adopts an empirical model that analyzes the architectural elements of the buildings in the study area. Direct observations and documentations of 373 buildings are collected to analyze those elements that contribute to the changes in the visual perception on the built heritage of Kumbakonam Town. An ordinary regression model is used to examine the characteristics of the built heritage across the chariot processional route of the town. Several architectural elements, including pilasters, horizontal cornices, arched windows, and ornamental parapets,improve the image of the town. These empirical findings support the policy framework that enhances the visualperce ption of Kumbakonam Town.