Sep 2016, Volume 5 Issue 3

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    Dalit Shach-Pinsly,Idan Porat

    The planning process in a planning studio demonstrates a microcosm of diverse concepts of ideologies and identities seeking acknowledgment and spatial recognition.In the modern world of multiple and dynam icidentities and ideologies,aspiring for the self-recognition of regions, towns, and communities, aplace-based identity has become a core aspect that needs to be taken into planning consideration.The analytic planning method used is iterative of both top–down and bottom–up approaches,thereby creating multi-dimension and coherent planning alternatives where spatial solutions arise from communities along theirc hanging processes.We present two spatialal ternative plans that were developed in the studio course and are based on this line of thinking. Results were very dynamic aspiring complex plans, which are also highly applicable and flexible, thereby addressing a wide range of ideologies and identities.

    Rong Du

    Compared with medium-sized cities, megacities play an increasingly important role in the rapid urbanization process in China. Owing to the expanding scale of large cities, urban sprawl leads to unsustainable practices that cause ecological, social, and environmental problems. Urban planning and land use planning are major driving forces of land use and land cover change in China. However, the goals of these two types of planning are different, and coordinating them is a challenge for local government decision makers. Thus, we use the SLEUTH model to simulate the implementation scenarios of future urban growth in Nanjing in the Jiangsu province of China. Using the scientific simulation data of the model, we contrasted the alternative futures of the two planning types for local government decision makers to achieve sustainable urban planning.The objective of our study is to explore the problems and possible solutions for urban management in the context of amegacity in China. The results of our study confirm the value of SLEUTH, which provid esextensive exploratory knowledge in evaluating the effects of possible local government decisions.

    Hong Sun

    This study examines the interrelatedness between the hierarchical structure of China's urban system and high-speed railway(HSR) network planning at the national level. As a multi-layered system, the Chinese HSR can be categorized into three sub-networks, namely, the national HSR trunk network,the national HSR extensional network,and the intercity HSR network. By examining the direct HSR network connection, HSR nodal connection, and HSR operational frequency of 287 prefecture-level cities, this study demonstrates that the hierarchies of China's administrative, demographic,and economic urban systems strongly influence HSR network planning. The national HSR trunk network prioritizes the connection of top-level central cities, whereas the extensional network prioritizes cities at the lower level of the urban system. Moreover,the national HSR system forms the backbone of the HSR network structure based on a national scale, whereas the intercity HSR system satisfies the travel needs within urban agglomerations based on theregional level.

    Negar Mohtashami,Mohammadjavad Mahdavinejad,Mohammadreza Bemanian

    In this paper,the city prosperity manifest is analyzed through a logical process and a framework is then proposed for designing healthy buildings in Tehran. The current status of urbanization in terms of the number of people living together and the changes in old behavior and perspectives have resulted in deficiencies to the health and hygiene of buildings apart from their surrounding environment. Consequently,these problems have affected people's well-being.This study mainly aims to determine policies and strategies for the architecturaldesign of healthy buildings according to health and safety conditions that influence the quality of internal spaces and external environment of cities.The study is conducted based on logical reasoning and uses focus group and in-depth interviews to assess the final result. The result is aframework that suggests a number of policies that can promote the mental and physical health as well as hygiene of residents through healthy buildings.

    Xing Ruan

    Utzon throughout his life time designed and built three houses for himself and his family. As tudy of these houses shows the slow development of a doubt, albeit understated, on his early architectural belief that was much celebrated in his public buildings, such as the Sydney Opera House. But Utzon is not unique in this instance.Some other modern architects too had experienced a similar change, gradual or sudden,in their attitudes towards life and the world, hence the transformation of their architecture as a consequence.This change, on the surface and as represented in architecture,is from a building that boldly embraces outside vista to that of a more internalized receptacle. But unlike Corbusier, Utzon,instead of acomplete transformation, showed an inner conflict arising from this doubt,which is between the modern urge to conquer the capacious space out there and a yearning for an interior life.

    Saeid Alitajer,Ghazaleh Molavi Nojoumi

    The Iranian concept of home goes far beyond physical aspects, and its essence is interwoven with the spiritual nature of humankind. This concept has gained new meanings with the modernization and industrialization of societies. In Iranian architecture, every need is realized in socio-physical systems as well as in design issues. Therefore, spatial relationships are central to architecture, especially residential architecture that addresses a great proportion of an individual's daily life.

    Space syntax seeks to explain how spatial configurations express social or cultural meanings. One such meaning is confidentiality, which was mainly introduced into Iranian architecture as a result of religious beliefs. In Iranian architecture, confidentiality is viewed from the aspect of privacy.

    This study is a case study that makes use of description, analysis, and logical reasoning. The objective is to analyze behavioral patterns in the spatial configurations of traditional and modern houses in Hamedan. In so doing, library research, software simulation with the UCL Depthmap package, and comparison techniques are utilized.

    The findings indicate that the spatial configurations of houses have changed in the course of time. In terms of the indices of spatial configurations, however, the striking difference between traditional and modern houses in Hamedan revolves around the integration and equivalence of all spaces in a house. In other words, the hierarchy of access to spaces and the recognition of territories are limited in modern houses. Hence, privacy in modern houses fades.

    Xi Chen

    *Abstract:The conservation practice in China, termed “Chinese stylistic restoration” in this study, has been influenced by the traditional Chinese philosophy and construction principles, the modern Chinese conservation theory of Liang Sicheng and Liu Dunzhen, and Western and international theories and policies concerning conservation. This study uses three case studies, namely, Shanghai ZhenruTemple, Jianfu Palace Garden, and Angkor Wat Chau Say Tevoda Temple, to demonstrate the main characteristics of the Chinese stylistic restoration, Including its emphasis on style over authenticity, pursuit of a gestalt form, and flexible attitude toward reconstruc-tion. Accordingly, these practices have shaped the current Chinese conservation theory as reflected in the case studies reported in “Principles for the Conservation of Heritage Sitesin China” and the Qufu Declaration.

    Can Tuncay Akınn,Ayhan Bekleyen,Mücahit Yıldırım

    The traditional houses of the residential areas in and around Siirt in the southeastern region of Turkey are notable because of their interesting forms. The most successful examples are the "truncated pyramidal-shaped houses" that have existed for centuries and are unique to the locality; however, these forms are demolished rapidly. In this study, the structures of small- scale settlements in Siirt province and its environs have been evaluated to highlight the cultural aspects of the region. The subject of this research is to investigate the design principles of the rural houses constructed in vernacular style to raise international awareness of the need to preserve vernacular architecture. Surviving examples have been examined in terms of multiple case approach by their forms, spatial compositions, changes in their forms over time, their layouts in urban and rural areas, the construction techniques used to produce them from material production through implementation, the composition of the living space and its uses, their differences or similarities to other houses in the region and their aesthetic details. The research reveals that the design principles of traditional rural architecture offer the use of local material and techniques in a unique way that promote highlights to the future.

    O.K. Akanden,D. Odeleye,A. Coday,C. JimenezBescos

    The operational phase of a building project has increasingly gained importance with their energy performance becoming valuable and determining their operational excellence. In most heritage building projects (HBPs), the operational energy use aspects areless considered, and a systematic way of analyzing their energy performance following project delivery is often lacking. The aim of this study is to evaluate the operational performance of refurbishment and reuse of UK listed church projects. The objective is to assess the operational energyuse with a view to optimizing their sustainable performance. The methodology includes eight selected case study buildings refurbished and converted for multipurpose use. The case study approach provided qualitative insights into how the study contributes to a more structured requirements for energy management in HBPs with specific attention to energy-efficient building operations. The findings show the need to focus on fundamental areas of operational management ( developing and implementing more focused policy on operational energy performance of heritage buildings) to minimize the energy required to operate them. The challenges of implementing changes in operational energy performance improvement of heritage buildings are addressed in the form of recommendations that could lead to real results. The study concludes that leveraging these areas requires commitment from all heritage building stakeholders because they all have substantial roles in harmonizing the requirement for the project's sustainability and not just the building operators. Meanwhile, baseline project planning, periodic updating, monitoring, and managing the energy use pattern are suggested as measures that could greatly facilitate better energy performance to optimizing their sustainable reuse compared with the traditional approach of trying to improve their thermal performance.

    Zulkeplee Othmann,Laurie Buys

    The topics on toilets, defecation and perianal cleansing may be perceived as taboo subjects in daily discussions but are markedly important from health and hygienical perspectives. In multicultural countries like Australia, no research attention has been given to domestic toilet hygienical requirements from the perspective of the society's cultural traditions or religious teachings. The Western sitting lavatories with toilet paper facilities are the most common toilet systems available in Australian homes, which may be contradictory to persons coming from non- Western backgrounds. Squat latrines used widely in many Asian countries are acknowledged to be more conducive for maintaining a healthy bowel system, but are unattractive to Westerners and also unsuitable for those with physical disabilities. Similarly, water is regarded as the most hygienical option for perianal cleansing in many cultures but is rarely used in Western cultures. This paper investigates the experiences of seven Muslim families living in Brisbane with respect to whether or not the Australian toilet systems in their homes meet their personal and familial requirements. This paper further explores whether modifications were made to their domestic toilets to meet these essential needs. Some design recommendations are presented, which are based on the extant literature on this topic as well as the findings from this study. These design options provide an opportunity for future research focused on a universal toilet design solution that is adaptable and able to meet the needs of all users, especially for those countries with a multicultural population.