Modular responsive facade proposals based on semi-regular and demi-regular tessellation: daylighting and visual comfort

  • Ecenur Kızılörenli ,
  • Feray Maden
  • Department of Architecture, Yasar University, İzmir 35100, Turkey

Received date: 26 Oct 2022

Revised date: 16 Feb 2023

Accepted date: 27 Feb 2023


2023 2023 Higher Education Press Limited Company. Publishing services by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of KeAi Communications Co. Ltd.


Responsive facades can reduce building energy consumption and control daylight and natural ventilation to improve user comfort. This study aims to develop alternative responsive facade systems based on semi-regular and demi-regular tessellations. For this purpose, first, the tessellation method used to generate responsive facades is introduced. Then, the geometric and parametric design principles and the movement capabilities of the proposed facade systems are presented. Finally, a set of analyses are performed to test and compare the performances of the facade systems based on daylight metrics and indoor glare comfort. This study contributes to the literature with the proposed facade systems that can adapt to changing environmental conditions, provide flexibility in shape control and simplicity in mechanism design, and improve building performance. The analysis results show that all the proposed facade systems provide the desired visual comfort and daylight levels at different configurations.

Cite this article

Ecenur Kızılörenli , Feray Maden . Modular responsive facade proposals based on semi-regular and demi-regular tessellation: daylighting and visual comfort[J]. Frontiers of Architectural Research, 2023 , 12(4) : 601 -612 . DOI: 10.1016/j.foar.2023.02.005

