Frontiers of Architectural Research >
The influence of calculation error of hourly marine meteorological parameter on building energy consumption calculation
Received date: 29 Nov 2021
Revised date: 19 Mar 2022
Accepted date: 23 Mar 2022
Published date: 31 Oct 2022
The ocean is a crucial area for future economic development. The marine environment has high energy-efficient and ecological requirements for building construction. Meteorological parameters are the key basis for the analysis and design of building energy efficiency. The lack of meteorological parameters for energy efficiency, particularly hourly data, under oceanic climatic conditions is a universal problem. The appropriate calculation methods of hourly meteorological parameters under oceanic climatic conditions are explored in this study. The impact of the calculation errors of the hourly meteorological parameters on building energy consumption is also analyzed. Three key meteorological parameters are selected: temperature, humidity, and wind speed. Five hourly calculations methods, including linear interpolation, cubic spline interpolation, pieceated three-Hermite interpolation, Akima interpolation, and radial basis function interpolation, are selected to calculate the error of the difference method, with Xiamen, Haikou, and Sanya as the locations of meteorological research. Appropriate interpolation methods are selected for the three parameters, and the seasonal and regional characteristics of the errors of each parameter are compared. Different interpolation methods should be selected for different meteorological parameters in different seasons. The error data of the three parameters of different magnitudes are constructed. A quantitative relationship between the sum of squares due to error of the three meteorological parameters and the rate of change of cooling energy consumption is established. The hourly calculation errors of meteorological parameters have an important impact on the calculation of dynamic energy consumption. The energy consumption differences caused by the errors of different parameters are significant. Obvious regional and seasonal differences also exist. This research strengthens the research foundation of building energy consumption calculation under oceanic climate conditions.
Dalong Liu , Tian Sun , Yufei Han , Xiuying Yan . The influence of calculation error of hourly marine meteorological parameter on building energy consumption calculation[J]. Frontiers of Architectural Research, 2022 , 11(5) : 981 -991 . DOI: 10.1016/j.foar.2022.03.007
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