Research Article

Game of capitals: Production of influential online architecture

  • Xiaoxin Zhao
  • School of Architecture, University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia

Received date: 27 Oct 2019

Revised date: 03 Mar 2020

Accepted date: 05 Mar 2020

Published date: 15 Sep 2020


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The grassroots can become an online influencer with the help of social media. Similarly, an online influencer mode is applicable in the architecture field. This study introduces the term “influential online architecture” (IOA) and aims to understand the cause and promotion of the IOA phenomenon and its impact on architecture. This research also introduces Bourdieu’s four forms of capital, namely, economic, cultural, social, and symbolic capitals, as a framework to argue that IOA is promoted by capitals through visual spectacles, class divisions, national identity, and social recognition. The methodology of this research uses case studies and logical argumentation through presentation and analysis of photos, statistical data, and comments from journals, books, news, and social platforms. The current study concludes that the online influencer mode in architecture should be concerned because the overemphasis on capitals through the production of IOA may erode the design field. This research argues that a well-established architecture criticism and post-occupancy evaluation system and a rational online influencer mode would contribute to the development of the design domain.

Cite this article

Xiaoxin Zhao . Game of capitals: Production of influential online architecture[J]. Frontiers of Architectural Research, 2020 , 9(3) : 670 -680 . DOI: 10.1016/j.foar.2020.03.002

