Research Article

Study on the inter-village space of a traditional village group in Huizhou Region: Hongguan Village group as an example

  • Yifei Pei ,
  • Kai Gong ,
  • Jiawei Leng
  • School of Architecture, Southeast University, Nanjing 210096, China

Received date: 10 Dec 2019

Accepted date: 24 Mar 2020

Published date: 15 Sep 2020


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Village groups are a common phenomenon in Huizhou Region, a historical region in eastern China where shared inter-village spaces play important roles in linking villages. This study analyzes the spatial layouts and characteristics of the inter-village space in the Hongguan village group in Wuyuan County, Jiangxi Province. A comprehensive literature review and the results of field research, qualitative analysis, and quantitative analysis prove that the regional spatial structure is maintained among inter-village space, landmarks, villagers, and villages within the village group. Through a summarized analysis of nine research slices, this study complements previous Huizhou Village studies. It provides valuable information for the preservation of traditional villages and reveals the hidden rules, potential order, and social meaning of inter-village spaces.

Cite this article

Yifei Pei , Kai Gong , Jiawei Leng . Study on the inter-village space of a traditional village group in Huizhou Region: Hongguan Village group as an example[J]. Frontiers of Architectural Research, 2020 , 9(3) : 588 -605 . DOI: 10.1016/j.foar.2020.03.006

