Teaching sustainable design in architecture education: Critical review of Easy Approach for Sustainable and Environmental Design (EASED)

  • Camille de Gaulmyn ,
  • Karine Dupre
  • Griffith Architecture, Griffith University, Southport, Qld 4215,Australia

Received date: 01 Nov 2018

Accepted date: 26 Feb 2019

Published date: 15 Jun 2019


2019 2019 Higher Education Press Limited Company. Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of KeAi. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (


In the current context of climate change and ecological awareness, designing sustainable environments is definitely understood as a shared responsibility. With the construction sector consuming half of the world's energy, the role of some key stakeholders such as architects becomes even more critical when providing responsible and relevant design for the built environment. Thus, improving the way our environments are being designed challenges some cultural systems that show evident limits, such as the training of future architects and engineers.

In this research, the focus is on architecture students and aims to demonstrate how the use of a new sustainable performance simulation tool, called Easy Approach for Sustainable and Environmental Design (EASED) could contribute to educate them about innovatively sustainable design. This was assessed through the evaluation of student engagement, their use of the tool and its appropriation. Results show that individual work was not convincing, whereas success was met during group work. Limits and improvement possibilities were found in the interface of EASED as well as in the educational set up of the tool.

Cite this article

Camille de Gaulmyn , Karine Dupre . Teaching sustainable design in architecture education: Critical review of Easy Approach for Sustainable and Environmental Design (EASED)[J]. Frontiers of Architectural Research, 2019 , 8(2) : 238 -260 . DOI: 10.1016/j.foar.2019.03.001

