A systematic assessment of architectural approaches for solving the housing problem in Iraq

  • Omar Al-Hafith , 1 ,
  • Satish B.K. 1 ,
  • Simon Bradbury 2 ,
  • Pieter de Wilde 1
  • 1. University of Plymouth, School of Art, Design and Architecture, Plymouth, UK
  • 2. De Montfort University, Leicester School of Architecture, Leicester, UK

Received date: 17 Jan 2018

Revised date: 24 May 2018

Accepted date: 15 Jul 2018

Published date: 02 Jan 2019


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Iraq experiences housing shortage of around1–1.5 million units with low production rate. Managing this challenge requires integrated efforts across a number of fields. One way for ward is to develop an integral and appropriate architectural solution. In Iraq,it remains unknown which of the possible architectural approaches is adequate to address its housing challenges while considering occupants' preferences. Aiming at helping in forming a solution, this study critically assesses the possible building patterns and construction approaches, whichrep resent the main architectural solutions' framework. To achieve this aim, an extensive literature review was conducted that explores possible alternatives and housing requirements. Alternatives were assessed by comparing and contrasting their adequacy in satisfying Iraqis' preferences and the housing sector requirements. The assessment included conducting two surveys: a public Iraqis survey and an experts survey. The former was used to determine Iraqis' residential priorities and the latter to evaluate the adequacy of the defined alternatives in satisfying a set of housing requirements. A total number of 410 Iraqis participated in the first survey and fourteen Iraqi experts in the second. Based on the results, this paper suggests mass construction of multifamily courtyard residential buildings as a solution and discusses future research efforts.

Cite this article

Omar Al-Hafith , Satish B.K. , Simon Bradbury , Pieter de Wilde . A systematic assessment of architectural approaches for solving the housing problem in Iraq[J]. Frontiers of Architectural Research, 2018 , 7(4) : 561 -572 . DOI: 10.1016/j.foar.2018.07.001

