Visual comfort is affected by urban colorscape tones in hazy weather

  • Yang Liu 1 ,
  • Jian Kang , 2,3 ,
  • Ying Zhang 4 ,
  • Dehua Wang 5 ,
  • Linqing Mao 6
  • 1. Art Academy, Northeast Agricultural University, Harbin 150030, China
  • 2. School of Architecture, University of Sheffield, Sheffield S102TN, UK
  • 3. School of Architecture, Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin 150001, China
  • 4. School of Resource and Environment, Northeast Agricultural University, Harbin 150030, China
  • 5. Harbin Institute of Technology Shenzhen Graduate School, Shenzhen 5180555, China
  • 6. School of Architecture, Shijiazhuang Tiedao University, Shijiazhuang 050043, China

Received date: 15 Jun 2016

Accepted date: 02 Oct 2016

Published date: 27 Dec 2016


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People's visual perception and recognition of urban colorscape tones change significantly in hazy weather. Apsychological experiment is conducted in this study to investigate visual comfort related to commercial and residential buildings. Visual observations are performed on the tones of an urban colorscape during hazy weather and air pollution in Harbin, China. Fifty-eight color samples selected through an orthogonal method are evaluated through a Likert scale by 30 subjects in a laboratory setting. Statistical analysis is performed with the maximal information coefficient and Rlanguage. Experimental results show that the changing threshold values of color tones are related to the visual comfort levelsofthesubjects.Theinfluenceofthethreefactorsofcolortonesonvisualcomfortlevel is relatively independent, and the effects of value and chroma contrast on color comfort level are greater than that of hue contrast in hazy weather. Furthermore, the comfort recognition threshold values of color tones in hazy weather are determined through data comparisons and analyses.

Cite this article

Yang Liu , Jian Kang , Ying Zhang , Dehua Wang , Linqing Mao . Visual comfort is affected by urban colorscape tones in hazy weather[J]. Frontiers of Architectural Research, 2016 , 5(4) : 453 -465 . DOI: 10.1016/j.foar.2016.10.001

