Study on the correlation between the hierarchical urban system and high-speed railway network planning in China

  • Hong Sun
  • Department of Architecture, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Leuven 3001, Belgium

Received date: 03 Mar 2016

Accepted date: 20 Apr 2016

Published date: 20 Sep 2016


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This study examines the interrelatedness between the hierarchical structure of China's urban system and high-speed railway(HSR) network planning at the national level. As a multi-layered system, the Chinese HSR can be categorized into three sub-networks, namely, the national HSR trunk network,the national HSR extensional network,and the intercity HSR network. By examining the direct HSR network connection, HSR nodal connection, and HSR operational frequency of 287 prefecture-level cities, this study demonstrates that the hierarchies of China's administrative, demographic,and economic urban systems strongly influence HSR network planning. The national HSR trunk network prioritizes the connection of top-level central cities, whereas the extensional network prioritizes cities at the lower level of the urban system. Moreover,the national HSR system forms the backbone of the HSR network structure based on a national scale, whereas the intercity HSR system satisfies the travel needs within urban agglomerations based on theregional level.

Cite this article

Hong Sun . Study on the correlation between the hierarchical urban system and high-speed railway network planning in China[J]. Frontiers of Architectural Research, 2016 , 5(3) : 301 -318 . DOI: 10.1016/j.foar.2016.04.003

