The birth and demise of a village within the vernacular community of Baduy in Banten, Indonesia
Irfan Sabarilah Hasim, Indah Widiastuti, Budi Faisal, Iwan Sudradjat
Front. Archit. Res. ›› 2025, Vol. 14 ›› Issue (1) : 127-144.
The birth and demise of a village within the vernacular community of Baduy in Banten, Indonesia
Land issues present a multifaceted challenge owing to its status as a long-term investment and the subject of conflicting interests, particularly within traditional village settings. Factors such as population growth, alterations in customary land usage, and external development encroachment pose significant challenges. A research inquiry conducted within Kanekes Settlement, a community belonging to the Baduy tribe, endeavors to elucidate the genesis and attendant issues pertaining to village expansion and potential decline. This research will enhance academic knowledge and offer valuable insights to policymakers, thereby supporting the sustainability of traditional villages. The investigation adopts a qualitative approach with an ethnographic methodology involving on-site direct observation, visual documentation, sketching, note-taking, and interviews conducted between 2021 and 2023. The birth process of a village within the Baduy context comprises three primary stages: 1) the proposal stage, 2) the developmental stage, and 3) the inauguration stage. Conversely, no explicit provisions or ceremonial procedures exist concerning the cessation of a village. Villages may become abandoned due to various factors, including but not limited to 1) economic hardship, 2) leadership transition following the death of a leader, 3) dwindling population, and 4) natural disasters.
The birth and demise of a village / Baduy tribal community / Kanekes settlement / Banten Province / Indonesia
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