Instrumentalization of the fluidity phenomenon in architectural design
Bojana Jerković-Babović, Ana Nikezić
Instrumentalization of the fluidity phenomenon in architectural design
In the circumstances of the 21st-century digital and technological turn, and due to the burst of the cosmopolitan way of living, the urban environment has gradually transformed in its appearance and identity. The loss of object singularity in urban context due to continuous variability and functional indeterminacy blurs the boundaries between architectural and urban scale, personal and social experience. Through an interdisciplinary framework, this paper deals with the fluidity phenomenon instrumentalisation through value-based research of renominated architectural practices in creating an authentic methodological research model that connects urban dynamics and architectural design methods, techniques and instruments in shaping a contemporary spatial experience. The resulting methodological model employs an analytic graphic narrative to formulate a strategy integrating fluidity into the process of architectural design. The paper explains how architectural design, as a cultural practice, employs fluidity to incorporate dynamics and needs, strategically enhancing the expression of urban values, requirements, and narratives.
Continuous variability / Methodological research model / Analytic graphic narrative / Flows / Figurativeness and non-figurativeness
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