How urban environments affect public sentiment and physical activity using a cognitive computing framework

Peijin Sun, Hanxu Zhao, Wei Lu

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Front. Archit. Res. ›› 2024, Vol. 13 ›› Issue (5) : 946-959. DOI: 10.1016/j.foar.2023.12.003

How urban environments affect public sentiment and physical activity using a cognitive computing framework

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Location-based social media data provides a new perspective for understanding the relationship between human behavior and urban environments. However, further research is needed to determine the application of cognitive computing in urban environments and physical activities. This study proposes a cognitive computing framework for urban environments and human activities that extracts knowledge from structured and unstructured data through natural language processing and computer vision techniques. This paper utilizes a Naive Bayes Model constructed based on random reviews, as well as semantic segmentation and instant segmentation algorithms based on convolutional neural networks to obtain information about urban environments and human behavior from social media data and other geospatial resources. This study examines the relationship between the urban environment and residents’ activity, including spatiotemporal behavior, public sentiment, and physical activity. The study found statistically significant results in subgroup analyses regarding the effects of urban environments on sentiment and physical activity, which also exhibited a strong social gradient consistent with traditional findings. This study validates the feasibility of using cognitive computing based on social media data to explore environmental behaviors, providing technical support for updating health promotion policies.


Urban environment / Physical activity / Sentiment analysis / Cognitive computing / Social media data

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Peijin Sun, Hanxu Zhao, Wei Lu. How urban environments affect public sentiment and physical activity using a cognitive computing framework. Front. Archit. Res., 2024, 13(5): 946‒959


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