Frontiers of Mathematics in China >
H4-Boundedness of pullback attractor for a 2D non-Newtonian fluid flow
Received date: 02 Jun 2012
Accepted date: 08 Oct 2012
Published date: 01 Dec 2013
We prove the H4-boundedness of the pullback attractor for a twodimensional non-autonomous non-Newtonian fluid in bounded domains.
Key words: H4-Boundedness; non-Newtonian fluid; pullback attractor
Guowei LIU , Caidi ZHAO , Juan CAO . H4-Boundedness of pullback attractor for a 2D non-Newtonian fluid flow[J]. Frontiers of Mathematics in China, 2013 , 8(6) : 1377 -1390 . DOI: 10.1007/s11464-013-0250-9
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