Low-rank spectral estimation algorithm of learning Markov model

  • Yongye ZHAO , 1 ,
  • Shujun BI , 2
  • 1. Department of Basic Courses, Guangzhou Maritime University, Guangzhou 510725, China
  • 2. Department of Mathematics, South China University of Technology, Guangzhou 510640, China


2024 Higher Education Press 2024


This paper proposes a low-rank spectral estimation algorithm of learning Markov model. First, an approximate projection algorithm for the rank-constrained frequency matrix set is proposed, and thereafter its local Lipschitzian error bound established. Then, we propose a low-rank spectral estimation algorithm for estimating the state transition frequency matrix and the probability matrix of Markov model by applying the approximate projection algorithm to correct the maximum likelihood estimation of the frequency matrix, and prove that there is only a multiplying constant difference in estimation errors between the low-rank spectral estimation and the maximum likelihood estimation under appropriate conditions. Finally, numerical comparisons with the prevailing maximum likelihood estimation, spectral estimation, and rank-constrained maximum likelihood estimation show that the low-rank spectral estimation algorithm is effective.

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Yongye ZHAO , Shujun BI . Low-rank spectral estimation algorithm of learning Markov model[J]. Frontiers of Mathematics in China, 2024 , 19(3) : 137 -155 . DOI: 10.3868/s140-DDD-024-0009-x

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