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An incomplete generalized minimum backward perturbation algorithm for large nonsymmetric linear systems
This paper gives the truncated version of the generalized minimum backward error algorithm (GMBACK)—the incomplete generalized minimum backward perturbation algorithm (IGMBACK) for large nonsymmetric linear systems. It is based on an incomplete orthogonalization of the Krylov vectors in question, and gives an approximate or quasi-minimum backward perturbation solution over the Krylov subspace. Theoretical properties of IGMBACK including finite termination, existence and uniqueness are discussed in details, and practical implementation issues associated with the IGMBACK algorithm are considered. Numerical experiments show that, the IGMBACK method is usually more efficient than GMBACK and GMRES, and IMBACK, GMBACK often have better convergence performance than GMRES. Specially, for sensitive matrices and right-hand sides being parallel to the left singular vectors corresponding to the smallest singular values of the coefficient matrices, GMRES does not necessarily converge, and IGMBACK, GMBACK usually converge and outperform GMRES.
Lei SUN . An incomplete generalized minimum backward perturbation algorithm for large nonsymmetric linear systems[J]. Frontiers of Mathematics in China, 2023 , 18(3) : 203 -222 . DOI: 10.3868/s140-DDD-023-0014-x
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