Frontiers of Mathematics in China >
Pseudo-orthogonality for graph 1-Laplacian eigenvectors and applications to higher Cheeger constants and data clustering
Received date: 02 Jun 2021
Accepted date: 01 Aug 2021
The data clustering problem consists in dividing a data set into prescribed groups of homogeneous data. This is an NP-hard problem that can be relaxed in the spectral graph theory, where the optimal cuts of a graph are related to the eigenvalues of graph 1-Laplacian. In this paper, we first give new notations to describe the paths, among critical eigenvectors of the graph 1-Laplacian, realizing sets with prescribed genus. We introduce the pseudo-orthogonality to characterize m3(G), a special eigenvalue for the graph 1-Laplacian. Furthermore, we use it to give an upper bound for the third graph Cheeger constant h3(G), that is, h3(G) 6 m3(G). This is a first step for proving that the k-th Cheeger constant is the minimum of the 1-Laplacian Raylegh quotient among vectors that are pseudo-orthogonal to the vectors realizing the previous k - 1 Cheeger constants. Eventually, we apply these results to give a method and a numerical algorithm to compute m3(G), based on a generalized inverse power method.
Antonio Corbo ESPOSITO , Gianpaolo PISCITELLI . Pseudo-orthogonality for graph 1-Laplacian eigenvectors and applications to higher Cheeger constants and data clustering[J]. Frontiers of Mathematics in China, 2022 , 17(4) : 591 -623 . DOI: 10.1007/s11464-021-0961-2
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