Frontiers of Mathematics in China >
Elliptic genera of level N for complete intersections
Received date: 10 Dec 2020
Accepted date: 25 Feb 2021
We focus on the elliptic genera of level N at the cusps of a congruence subgroup for any complete intersection. Writing the first Chern class of a complete intersection as a product of an integral coefficient c1 and a generator of the 2nd integral cohomology group, we mainly discuss the values of the elliptic genera of level N for the complete intersection in the cases of c1>, =, or<0, In particular, the values about the Todd genus, , and Ak-genus can be derived from the elliptic genera of level N.
Jianbo WANG , Yuyu WANG , Zhiwang YU . Elliptic genera of level N for complete intersections[J]. Frontiers of Mathematics in China, 2021 , 16(4) : 1043 -1062 . DOI: 10.1007/s11464-021-0917-6
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