Frontiers of Mathematics in China >
New proof of continuity of Lyapunov exponents for a class of smooth Schrödinger cocycles with weak Liouville frequencies
Received date: 17 Dec 2019
Accepted date: 02 Jun 2020
Published date: 15 Jun 2020
We reconsider the continuity of the Lyapunov exponents for a class of smooth Schrödinger cocycles with a cos-type potential and a weak Liouville frequency. We propose a new method to prove that the Lyapunov exponent is continuous in energies. In particular, a large deviation theorem is not needed in the proof.
Linlin FU , Jiahao XU , Fan WU . New proof of continuity of Lyapunov exponents for a class of smooth Schrödinger cocycles with weak Liouville frequencies[J]. Frontiers of Mathematics in China, 2020 , 15(3) : 467 -489 . DOI: 10.1007/s11464-020-0843-z
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