Frontiers of Mathematics in China >
Largest H-eigenvalue of uniform s-hypertrees
Received date: 26 Jul 2017
Accepted date: 31 Oct 2017
Published date: 28 Mar 2018
The k-uniform s-hypertree G = (V,E) is an s-hypergraph, where 1≤s≤k −1, and there exists a host tree T with vertex set V such that each edge of G induces a connected subtree of T. In this paper, some properties of uniform s-hypertrees are establised, as well as the upper and lower bounds on the largest H-eigenvalue of the adjacency tensor of k-uniform s-hypertrees in terms of the maximal degree Δ. Moreover, we also show that the gap between the maximum and the minimum values of the largest H-eigenvalue of k-uniform s-hypertrees is just Θ(Δs/k).
Key words: Largest H-eigenvalue; spectral radius; adjacency tensor; hypertree
Yuan HOU , An CHANG , Lei ZHANG . Largest H-eigenvalue of uniform s-hypertrees[J]. Frontiers of Mathematics in China, 2018 , 13(2) : 301 -312 . DOI: 10.1007/s11464-017-0678-4
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