Frontiers of Mathematics in China >
Some results for operators on a model space
Received date: 17 Mar 2017
Accepted date: 12 Feb 2018
Published date: 28 Mar 2018
We investigate some problems for truncated Toeplitz operators. Namely, the solvability of the Riccati operator equation on the set of all truncated Toeplitz operators on the model space Kθ = H2ΘθH2 is studied. We study in terms of Berezin symbols invertibility of model operators. We also prove some results for the Berezin number of the truncated Toeplitz operators. Moreover, we study some property for H2-functions in terms of noncyclicity of co-analytic Toeplitz operators and hypercyclicity of model operators.
Mehmet GÜRDAL , Ula¸s YAMANCI , Mübariz GARAYEV . Some results for operators on a model space[J]. Frontiers of Mathematics in China, 2018 , 13(2) : 287 -300 . DOI: 10.1007/s11464-018-0690-3
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