Frontiers of Mathematics in China >
Further results on B-tensors with application to location of real eigenvalues
Received date: 17 Jan 2016
Accepted date: 21 Apr 2016
Published date: 27 Nov 2017
We give a further study on B-tensors and introduce doubly B-tensors that contain B-tensors. We show that they have similar properties, including their decompositions and strong relationship with strictly (doubly) diagonally dominated tensors. As an application, the properties of B-tensors are used to localize real eigenvalues of some tensors, which would be very useful in verifying the positive semi-definiteness of a tensor.
Lu YE , Zhongming CHEN . Further results on B-tensors with application to location of real eigenvalues[J]. Frontiers of Mathematics in China, 2017 , 12(6) : 1375 -1392 . DOI: 10.1007/s11464-016-0545-8
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