Frontiers of Mathematics in China >
Some results and problems on commutators
Received date: 12 Oct 2010
Accepted date: 17 Aug 2011
Published date: 01 Oct 2011
In this paper, the author introduces some late results and puts forward a few problems on commutators of many important operators in harmonic analysis, included the Bochner-Riesz operator below the critical index, the strongly singular integral operator, the pseudo-differential operator, a class of convolution operators with oscillatory kernel, the Marcinkiewicz integral operator, and the fractional integral operator with rough kernel.
Key words: Commutator; BMO function; Lipschitz function
Shanzhen LU . Some results and problems on commutators[J]. Frontiers of Mathematics in China, 2011 , 6(5) : 821 -833 . DOI: 10.1007/s11464-011-0157-2
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