Arc-search in numerical optimization

Yiguang YANG

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Front. Math. China ›› 2023, Vol. 18 ›› Issue (5) : 313-326. DOI: 10.3868/s140-DDD-023-0022-x

Arc-search in numerical optimization

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Determining the search direction and the search step are the two main steps of the nonlinear optimization algorithm, in which the derivatives of the objective and constraint functions are used to determine the search direction, the one-dimensional search and the trust domain methods are used to determine the step length along the search direction. One dimensional line search has been widely discussed in various textbooks and references. However, there is a less-known technique—arc-search method, which is relatively new and may generate more efficient algorithms in some cases. In this paper, we will survey this technique, discuss its applications in different optimization problems, and explain its potential improvements over traditional line search method.


Arc-search / numerical optimization / linear programming and convex quadratic programming / unconstrained optimization / constrained optimization

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Yiguang YANG. Arc-search in numerical optimization. Front. Math. China, 2023, 18(5): 313‒326


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