A survey on book-embedding of planar graphs
Xiaxia GUAN, Chuxiong WU, Weihua YANG, Jixiang MENG
Front. Math. China ›› 2022, Vol. 17 ›› Issue (2) : 255-273.
A survey on book-embedding of planar graphs
The book-embedding problem arises in several area, such as very large scale integration (VLSI) design and routing multilayer printed circuit boards (PCBs). It can be used into various practical application fields. A book embedding of a graph G is an embedding of its vertices along the spine of a book, and an embedding of its edges to the pages such that edges embedded on the same page do not intersect. The minimum number of pages in which a graph G can be embedded is called the pagenumber or book-thickness of the graph G. It is an important measure of the quality for book-embedding. It is NP-hard to research the pagenumber of book-embedding for a graph G. This paper summarizes the studies on the book-embedding of planar graphs in recent years.
Book embedding / planar graphs / pagenumber
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