Optimal stopping time on discounted semi-Markov processes
Fang CHEN, Xianping GUO, Zhong-Wei LIAO
Front. Math. China ›› 2021, Vol. 16 ›› Issue (2) : 303-324.
Optimal stopping time on discounted semi-Markov processes
This paper attempts to study the optimal stopping time for semi- Markov processes (SMPs) under the discount optimization criteria with unbounded cost rates. In our work, we introduce an explicit construction of the equivalent semi-Markov decision processes (SMDPs). The equivalence is embodied in the expected discounted cost functions of SMPs and SMDPs, that is, every stopping time of SMPs can induce a policy of SMDPs such that the value functions are equal, and vice versa. The existence of the optimal stopping time of SMPs is proved by this equivalence relation. Next, we give the optimality equation of the value function and develop an effective iterative algorithm for computing it. Moreover, we show that the optimal and ε-optimal stopping time can be characterized by the hitting time of the special sets. Finally, to illustrate the validity of our results, an example of a maintenance system is presented in the end.
Optimal stopping time / semi-Markov processes (SMPs) / value function / semi-Markov decision processes (SMDPs) / optimal policy / iterative lgorithm
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