Mean-field type forward-backward doubly stochastic differential equations and related stochastic differential games
Qingfeng ZHU, Lijiao SU, Fuguo LIU, Yufeng SHI, Yong’ao SHEN, Shuyang WANG
Front. Math. China ›› 2020, Vol. 15 ›› Issue (6) : 1307-1326.
Mean-field type forward-backward doubly stochastic differential equations and related stochastic differential games
We study a kind of partial information non-zero sum differential games of mean-field backward doubly stochastic differential equations, in which the coefficient contains not only the state process but also its marginal distribution, and the cost functional is also of mean-field type. It is required that the control is adapted to a sub-filtration of the filtration generated by the underlying Brownian motions. We establish a necessary condition in the form of maximum principle and a verification theorem, which is a sufficient condition for Nash equilibrium point. We use the theoretical results to deal with a partial information linear-quadratic (LQ) game, and obtain the unique Nash equilibrium point for our LQ game problem by virtue of the unique solvability of mean-field forward-backward doubly stochastic differential equation.
Non-zero sum stochastic differential game / mean-field / backward doubly stochastic differential equation (BDSDE) / Nash equilibrium point / aximum principle
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