Least H-eigenvalue of adjacency tensor of hypergraphs with cut vertices
Yizheng FAN, Zhu ZHU, Yi WANG
Least H-eigenvalue of adjacency tensor of hypergraphs with cut vertices
Let G be a connected hypergraph with even uniformity, which contains cut vertices. Then G is the coalescence of two nontrivial connected sub-hypergraphs (called branches) at a cut vertex. Let (G) be the adjacency tensor of G. The least H-eigenvalue of (G) refers to the least real eigenvalue of (G) associated with a real eigenvector. In this paper, we obtain a perturbation result on the least H-eigenvalue of (G) when a branch of G attached at one vertex is relocated to another vertex, and characterize the unique hypergraph whose least H-eigenvalue attains the minimum among all hypergraphs in a certain class of hypergraphs which contain a fixed connected hypergraph.
Hypergraph / adjacency tensor / least H-eigenvalue / eigenvector / perturbation
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