Existence of invariant curves for area-preserving mappings under weaker non-degeneracy conditions
Kun WANG, Junxiang XU
Front. Math. China ›› 2020, Vol. 15 ›› Issue (3) : 571-591.
Existence of invariant curves for area-preserving mappings under weaker non-degeneracy conditions
We consider a class of analytic area-preserving mappings Cm-smoothly depending on a parameter. Without imposing on any non-degeneracy assumption, we prove a formal KAM theorem for the mappings, which implies many previous KAM-type results under some non-degeneracy conditions. Moreover, by this formal KAM theorem, we can also obtain some new interesting results under some weaker non-degeneracy conditions. Thus, the formal KAM theorem can be regarded as a general KAM theorem for areapreserving mappings.
Area-preserving mapping / invariant curve / KAM iteration / nondegeneracy condition
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