Constructing super D-Kaup-Newell hierarchy and its nonlinear integrable coupling with self-consistent sources
Hanyu WEI, Tiecheng XIA
Constructing super D-Kaup-Newell hierarchy and its nonlinear integrable coupling with self-consistent sources
How to construct new super integrable equation hierarchy is an important problem. In this paper, a new Lax pair is proposed and the super D-Kaup-Newell hierarchy is generated, then a nonlinear integrable coupling of the super D-Kaup-Newell hierarchy is constructed. The super Hamiltonian structures of coupling equation hierarchy is derived with the aid of the super variational identity. Finally, the self-consistent sources of super integrable coupling hierarchy is established. It is indicated that this method is a straight- forward and efficient way to construct the super integrable equation hierarchy.
Super D-Kaup-Newell hierarchy / nonlinear integrable coupling / super Hamiltonian structures / self-consistent sources
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