Sharp bounds for spectral radius of nonnegative weakly irreducible tensors
Lihua YOU, Xiaohua HUANG, Xiying YUAN
Sharp bounds for spectral radius of nonnegative weakly irreducible tensors
We obtain the sharp upper and lower bounds for the spectral radius of a nonnegative weakly irreducible tensor. By using the technique of the representation associate matrix of a tensor and the associate directed graph of the matrix, the equality cases of the bounds are completely characterized by graph theory methods. Applying these bounds to a nonnegative irreducible matrix or a connected graph (digraph), we can improve the results of L. H. You, Y. J. Shu, and P. Z. Yuan [Linear Multilinear Algebra, 2017, 65(1): 113–128], and obtain some new or known results. Applying these bounds to a uniform hypergraph, we obtain some new results and improve some known results of X. Y. Yuan, M. Zhang, and M. Lu [Linear Algebra Appl., 2015, 484: 540–549]. Finally, we give a characterization of a strongly connected k-uniform directed hypergraph, and obtain some new results by applying these bounds to a uniform directed hypergraph.
Nonnegative / weakly irreducible tensors / uniform (directed) hyper- graph / spectral radius / bound
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