Convergence of truncated rough singular integrals supported by subvarieties on Triebel-Lizorkin spaces

Feng LIU, Qingying XUE, K^oz^o YABUTA

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Front. Math. China ›› 2019, Vol. 14 ›› Issue (3) : 591-604. DOI: 10.1007/s11464-019-0765-9

Convergence of truncated rough singular integrals supported by subvarieties on Triebel-Lizorkin spaces

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Let be a function of homogeneous of degree zero and satisfy the cancellation condition on the unit sphere. Suppose that h is a radial function. Let Th,Ω,p be the classical singular Radon transform, and let Th,Ω,pε be its truncated operator with rough kernels associated to polynomial mapping p which is defined by Th,Ω,pεf(x)=||y|εf(xp(y))h(|y|)Ω(y)|y|ndy|. In this paper, we show that for any α(,) and (p,q) satisfying certain index condition, the operator Th,Ω,pε enjoys the following convergence properties limε0Th,Ω,pεfTh,Ω,pfF ˙αp,q(d)=0 and limε0Th,Ω,pεfTh,Ω,pfB ˙αp,q(d)=0 provided that ΩL(log+L)β(Sn1) for some β(0,1] or ΩH1(Sn1), or Ω(1qBq(0,0)(Sn1)).


Singular Radon transform / truncated singular integral / rough kernel / convergence

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Feng LIU, Qingying XUE, K^oz^o YABUTA. Convergence of truncated rough singular integrals supported by subvarieties on Triebel-Lizorkin spaces. Front. Math. China, 2019, 14(3): 591‒604


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