Variational principle and zero temperature limits of asymptotically (sub)-additive projection pressure
Qiuhong WANG, Yun ZHAO
Front. Math. China ›› 2018, Vol. 13 ›› Issue (5) : 1099-1120.
Variational principle and zero temperature limits of asymptotically (sub)-additive projection pressure
Let be an iterated function system (IFS) on with an attractor K. Let (Σ, σ) denote the one-sided full shift over the finite alphabet {1, 2, . . . , l}, and let π: Σ → K be the coding map. Given an asymptotically (sub)-additive sequence of continuous functions , we define the asymptotically additive projection pressure Pπ() and show the variational principle for Pπ() under certain affine IFS. We also obtain variational principle for the asymptotically sub-additive projection pressure if the IFS satisfies asymptotically weak separation condition (AWSC). Furthermore, when the IFS satisfies AWSC, we investigate the zero temperature limits of the asymptotically sub-additive projection pressure Pπ(β) with positive parameter β.
Projection pressure / asymptotically (sub)-additive potentials / variational principle / zero temperature limits
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