Hermitizable, isospectral complex matrices or differential operators
Front. Math. China ›› 2018, Vol. 13 ›› Issue (6) : 1267-1311.
Hermitizable, isospectral complex matrices or differential operators
The main purpose of the paper is looking for a larger class of matrices which have real spectrum. The first well-known class having this property is the symmetric one, then is the Hermite one. This paper introduces a new class, called Hermitizable matrices. The closely related isospectral problem, not only for matrices but also for differential operators is also studied. The paper provides a way to describe the discrete spectrum, at least for tridiagonal matrices or one-dimensional differential operators. Especially, an unexpected result in the paper says that each Hermitizable matrix is isospectral to a birth–death type matrix (having positive sub-diagonal elements, in the irreducible case for instance). Besides, new efficient algorithms are proposed for computing the maximal eigenpairs of these class of matrices.
Real spectrum / symmetrizable / Hermitizable / isospectral / matrix / differential operator
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