Results of Diophantine approximation by unlike powers of primes
Gaiyun GAO, Zhixin LIU
Front. Math. China ›› 2018, Vol. 13 ›› Issue (4) : 797-808.
Results of Diophantine approximation by unlike powers of primes
Let k be an integer with : Suppose that be nonzero real numbers not all of the same sign, satisfying that is irrational, and suppose that is a real number. In this paper, for any ; we consider the inequality has innitely many solutions in prime variables
where depends on k: Our result gives an improvement of the recent result. Furthermore, using the similar method in this paper, we can rene some results on Diophantine approximation by unlike powers of primes, and get the related problem.Waring-Goldbach problem / Diophantine inequality
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