An isometrical CPn-theorem
Xiaole SU, Hongwei SUN, Yusheng WANG
Front. Math. China ›› 2018, Vol. 13 ›› Issue (2) : 367-398.
An isometrical CPn-theorem
Let be a complete Riemannian manifold with , and let be two complete totally geodesic submanifolds in M. We prove that if n1 + n2 = n − 2 and if the distance , then Mi is isometric to , or with the canonical metric when ni>0, and thus, M is isometric to , or except possibly when n = 3 and M1 (or M2) with or n = 4 and M1 (or M2) .
Rigidity / positive sectional curvature / totally geodesic submanifolds
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