Spectral square moments of a resonance sum for Maass forms
Nathan SALAZAR, Yangbo YE
Front. Math. China ›› 2017, Vol. 12 ›› Issue (5) : 1183-1200.
Spectral square moments of a resonance sum for Maass forms
Let fbe a Maass cusp form for with Fourier coefficients and Laplace eigenvalue .For real and β>0,consider the sum ,where φis a smooth function of compact support. We prove bounds for the second spectral moment of ,with the eigenvalue tending towards infinity. When the eigenvalue is sufficiently large, we obtain an average bound for this sum in terms of X.This implies that if fhas its eigenvalue beyond ,the standard resonance main term for ,cannot appear in general. The method is adopted from proofs of subconvexity bounds for Rankin-Selberg L-functions for GL(2)×GL(2).It contains in particular a proof of an asymptotic expansion of a well-known oscillatory integral with an enlarged range of . The same bounds can be proved in a similar way for holomorphic cusp forms.
Cusp form / Maass form / Fourier coefficient of cusp form / Kuznetsov trace formula / resonance sum / first derivative test / weighted stationary phase
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