Positive curvature, symmetry, and topology
Manuel AMANN
Front. Math. China ›› 2016, Vol. 11 ›› Issue (5) : 1099-1122.
Positive curvature, symmetry, and topology
We depict recent developments in the field of positive sectional curvature, mainly, but not exclusively, under the assumption of isometric torus actions. After an elaborate introduction to the field, we shall discuss various classification results, before we provide results on the computation of Euler characteristics. This will be the starting point for an examination of more involved invariants and further techniques. In particular, we shall discuss the Hopf conjectures, related decomposition results like the Wilhelm conjecture, results in differential topology and index theory as well as in rational homotopy theory, geometrically formal metrics in positive curvature and much more. The results we present will be discussed for arbitrary dimensions, but also specified to small dimensions. This survey article features mainly depictions of our own work interest in this area and cites results obtained in different collaborations; full statements and proofs can be found in the respective original research articles.
Positive sectional curvature / torus actions / Euler characteristic / Hopf conjecture / index theory / Wilhelm conjecture / geometric formality
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