Zhijin CHEN, Jingping YANG, Xiaoqian WANG
Front. Math. China ›› 2016, Vol. 11 ›› Issue (6) : 1419-1450.
Copula method has been widely applied to model the correlation among underlying assets in financial market. In this paper, we propose to use the multivariate Fréchet copula family presented in J. P. Yang et al. [Insurance Math. Econom., 2009, 45: 139–147] to price multivariate financial instruments whose payoffs depend on the kth realization of the underlying assets and collateralized debt obligation (CDO). The advantage of the multivariate Fréchet copula is discussed. Empirical study shows that such copula family gives a better fitting to CDO’s market price than Gaussian copula for some derivatives.
Multivariate Fréchet copula / kth realization derivative / order statistics / collateralized debt obligation (CDO) /
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