Analysis and geometry of Floer theory of Landau-Ginzburg model on ℂn
Wenfeng JIANG
Front. Math. China ›› 2016, Vol. 11 ›› Issue (6) : 1569-1602.
Analysis and geometry of Floer theory of Landau-Ginzburg model on ℂn
This article studies the Floer theory of Landau-Ginzburg (LG) model on ℂn: We perturb the Kähler form within a xed Kähler class to guarantee the transversal intersection of Lefschetz thimbles. The C0 estimate for solutions of the LG Floer equation can be derived then by our analysis tools. The Fredholm property is guaranteed by all these results.
Symplectic geometry / Floer theory / Landau-Ginzburg (LG) model
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