Algorithms for enumeration problem of linear congruence modulo m as sum of restricted partition numbers

Tian-Xiao HE, Peter J. -S. SHIUE

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Front. Math. China ›› 2015, Vol. 10 ›› Issue (1) : 69-89. DOI: 10.1007/s11464-014-0394-2

Algorithms for enumeration problem of linear congruence modulo m as sum of restricted partition numbers

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We consider the congruence x 1 + x 2 + + x rc (mod m), where m and r are positive integers and c m : { 0 , 1 , , m 1 } ( m 2 ). Recently, W. -S. Chou, T. X. He, and Peter J. -S. Shiue considered the enumeration problems of this congruence, namely, the number of solutions with the restriction x 1 x 2 x r, and got some properties and a neat formula of the solutions. Due to the lack of a simple computational method for calculating the number of the solution of the congruence, we provide an algebraic and a recursive algorithms for those numbers. The former one can also give a new and simple approach to derive some properties of solution numbers.


Congruence / multiset congruence solution / restricted integer partition

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Tian-Xiao HE, Peter J. -S. SHIUE. Algorithms for enumeration problem of linear congruence modulo m as sum of restricted partition numbers. Front. Math. China, 2015, 10(1): 69‒89


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2014 Higher Education Press and Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg
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