Fluctuations of deformed Wigner random matrices
Zhonggen SU
Front. Math. China ›› 2013, Vol. 8 ›› Issue (3) : 609-641.
Fluctuations of deformed Wigner random matrices
Let Xn be a standard real symmetric (complex Hermitian) Wigner matrix, y1, y2, . . . , yn a sequence of independent real random variables independent of Xn. Consider the deformed Wigner matrix Hn,α = n-1/2Xn + n-α/2 diag (y1, . . . , yn), where 0<α<1. It is well known that the average spectral distribution is the classical Wigner semicircle law, i.e., the Stieltjes transform mn,α(z) converges in probability to the corresponding Stieltjes transform m(z). In this paper, we shall give the asymptotic estimate for the expectation Emn,α(z) and varianceVar(mn,α(z)), and establish the central limit theorem for linear statistics with sufficiently regular test function. A basic tool in the study is Stein’s equation and its generalization which naturally leads to a certain recursive equation.
Asymptotic expansion / deformed Wigner matrice / Gaussian fluctuation / linear statistics / Stein’s equation
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