List edge and list total coloring of 1-planar graphs
Xin ZHANG, Jianliang WU, Guizhen LIU
List edge and list total coloring of 1-planar graphs
A graph is 1-planar if it can be drawn on the plane so that each edge is crossed by at most one other edge. In this paper, it is proved that each 1-planar graph with maximum degree Δ is (Δ+1)-edge-choosable and (Δ+2)- total-choosable if Δ≥16, and is Δ-edge-choosable and (Δ+1)-total-choosable if Δ≥21. The second conclusion confirms the list coloring conjecture for the class of 1-planar graphs with large maximum degree.
1-planar graph / list coloring conjecture / discharging
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