J-dendriform algebras

Dongping HOU, Chengming BAI

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Front. Math. China ›› DOI: 10.1007/s11464-011-0160-7

J-dendriform algebras

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In this paper, we introduce a notion of J-dendriform algebra with two operations as a Jordan algebraic analogue of a dendriform algebra such that the anticommutator of the sum of the two operations is a Jordan algebra. A dendriform algebra is a J-dendriform algebra. Moreover, J-dendriform algebras fit into a commutative diagram which extends the relationships among associative, Lie, and Jordan algebras. Their relations with some structures such as Rota-Baxter operators, classical Yang-Baxter equation, and bilinear forms are given.


Jordan algebra / dendriform algebra / O-operator / classical Yang-Baxter equation (CYBE)

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Dongping HOU, Chengming BAI. J-dendriform algebras. Front Math Chin, https://doi.org/10.1007/s11464-011-0160-7


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