Spectrum of resolvable directed quadruple systems
Jian WANG, Beiliang DU
Front. Math. China ›› 2010, Vol. 5 ›› Issue (4) : 717-726.
Spectrum of resolvable directed quadruple systems
A t-(v, k, 1) directed design (or simply a t-(v, k, 1)DD) is a pair (S, ), where S is a v-set and is a collection of k-tuples (called blocks) of S, such that every t-tuple of S belongs to a unique block. The t-(v, k, 1)DD is called resolvable if can be partitioned into some parallel classes, so that each parallel class is a partition of S. It is proved that a resolvable 3-(v, 4, 1)DD exists if and only if v ≡ 0 (mod 4).
n-tuple / directed design / resolvable directed quadruple system
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