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Asymptotic analysis of a coupled nonlinear parabolic
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Department of Applied Mathematics, Dalian University of Technology;
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Published |
05 Mar 2008 |
Issue Date |
05 Mar 2008 |
This paper deals with asymptotic analysis of a parabolic system with inner absorptions and coupled nonlinear boundary fluxes. Three simultaneous blow-up rates are established under different dominations of nonlinearities, and simply represented in a characteristic algebraic system introduced for the problem. In particular, it is observed that two of the multiple blow-up rates are absorption-related. This is substantially different from those for nonlinear parabolic problems with absorptions in all the previous literature, where the blow-up rates were known as absorption-independent. The results of the paper rely on the scaling method with a complete classification for the nonlinear parameters of the model. The first example of absorption-related blow-up rates was recently proposed by the authors for a coupled parabolic system with mixed type nonlinearities. The present paper shows that the newly observed phenomena of absorption-related blow-up rates should be due to the coupling mechanism, rather than the mixed type nonlinearities.
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QIAO Lan, ZHENG Sining.
Asymptotic analysis of a coupled nonlinear parabolic
system. Front. Math. China, 2008, 3(1): 87‒99 https://doi.org/10.1007/s11464-008-0002-4
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